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Businesses of Character

Queen Anne's County

“Your business will only get as big as the shadow of your character”

- Orrin Woodward

We recognize the importance and impact that businesses have on a community. As a businessperson, you come into contact with numerous people in the community on a regular basis. You understand what works, what is effective, and what can make a difference. That is why we at Character Counts! believe that your participation in this effort is crucial to its success. 


Businesses are an important ally in our efforts to encourage and instill character in our schools and communities.


Youth are the future workforce, after all!

Member Benefits

  • Be a participant in an amazing and effective community endeavor by emphasizing the importance of strong character in Queen Anne's County and the Mid-Shore.

  • Your business will be listed on the "Businesses of Character" page on our website with links to your contact information.

  • Receive free advertising through Character Counts! website. We will also highlight character related events, promotions, and activities associated with your business on our social media platforms.

  • Feeling of pride that as a business leader you are taking an active role in making this community a better place to live and grow.

  • As a result of student’s exposure to character education, the ability to select from a workforce with strong moral character.

  • Free poster and window sticker.

  • And many more!

Member Commitments

To be a Business of Character, you must agree to meet at least two of the obligations listed below. You are welcome to do as many as you would like!​​

  • Place the "Pillar of the Month" on a  sign or marquee located outside your business

  • Incorporate the pillars into your employee review.

  • Sponsor Character Counts! messages that are placed in the newspaper.

  • Participate as a coach.

  • Place Character Counts! messages in your advertisements or advertising materials.

  • Sponsor a Character Counts! activity of the Character Counts Advisory Board.

  • Display a Character Counts! message, inspirational quote, or anecdote in your company billing statements.

  • Emphasize the importance of character and adherence to the ethical principles embodied in the six pillars in employee orientation, job training, and staff meetings.

  • Support Character Counts! education programs in schools or other Character Counts! activities by allowing employees to volunteer during work time without using personal leave.

  • Sponsor contests (such as essay contests and poster contests) or other Character Counts! activities by providing judges, and/or prizes or other financial support.

  • Restaurants can print the six pillars on placemats and table tents.

  • Encourage other business leaders to become Businesses of Character.

  • Place Character Counts! messages on promotional items.

  • Become a member of the Character Counts! Advisory Board.

  • If you would like to participate in some other way, let us know! We are open to new ideas.

Teired Sponsorship

We want ALL QAC businesses to join us so there is NO DONATION REQUIRED.  However, if you are able to support us financially, here are a few options!

Platinum Membership, $500 donation

  • Prominent location on our webpage with your business logo in our Platinum band.

  • Listed as a Business of Character in our monthly CC! newsletter shared with our coaches and school families.

  • Promotion on our social media platforms.

Gold Membership,

$250 donation

  • Prominent location on our webpage with your business logo in our Gold band.

  • Promotion on our social media platforms.

Silver Membership, $125 donation

  • Prominent location on our webpage with your business logo in our Silver band.

  • Promotion on our social media platforms.

Bronze Membership,

$0 donation

  • Listed on our webpage with your business logo in our Bronze band.

  • Promotion on our social media platforms.

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